Ostrich Review

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Welcome and thank you for considering Ostrich.

Like a Christmas present from the gods, unsolicited submissions are open every day of the year as long as you follow a few basic guidelines.

Please include a cover letter and brief bio with your submission. Tell us something about yourself. Maybe not your life story, but at least your name, email, and the best way to reach you. Let us know if your submission is being considered elsewhere, et cetera.

Simultaneous submissions are okay. Previously published work is not. Submit to one genre at a time. Wait until our response before submitting again.

After 90 days, feel free to email us about getting our act together. 

For more specific guidelines, look for your category below.

Upon acceptance Contributors retain all rights but are asked to acknowledge Ostrich Review as first publisher if your work appears elsewhere.

Once again, thanks for considering Ostrich.

All the best,

The Editors

Ostrich Review